Simplify and Declutter

Two ongoing tasks at our home are to simplify and declutter.  Although we make great headway, it always seems there’s still so much!  Adonai is so generous and provides so graciously for all our needs and beyond!  As we move forward into uncertain times, we are more committed than ever to streamlining.  In fact, radical measures may be in order.  Books, clothes, hobby supplies and furniture will be sold or donated.  When the move to the homestead occurs, we want to have the lightest burden (to move) possible.  Dear hubby and I laugh about the obvious disparity between preparing and simplifying.  The two don’t go together, normally.  But if you are relying on YHWH and not your preps, it makes more sense.  If I’m extra brief with posts the next few days, please excuse me.  I’ve got closets to clean out…

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