Don’t Know What Thinking Is

What an insightful quote on the twisted ideas of so many people in our day.  And from my observation, it is not limited to the young.

The problem isn’t that Johnny can’t read. The problem isn’t even that Johnny can’t think. The problem is that Johnny doesn’t know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling.

Thomas Sowell (American economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author)


Setting the Tone of Your Home

Our society has a long-standing joke that “if Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.”  Sayings like this, however humorous, often reveal a much deeper truth.  Women set the tone for the home.  Regardless of whether a woman is single, married, divorced, widowed, or whatever, a home’s condition and atmosphere reflect upon the woman who lives there.  A house could contain one female and ten males, but if the female is an adult, the home depends upon her for its “feel”.  Even if this adult female works long hours outside the home and none of the males do, somehow, she still most likely commands the tone of the home.  Obviously, this isn’t a tangible truth that can be held with physical hands.  But it is an experiential truth that most, if not all, of us have witnessed, felt and sensed in one way or another.

This isn’t a popular concept in our modern era where multitudes of women prefer to be more like men, or prostitutes, than ladies of character!  Being a woman and a “lady” isn’t demeaning, it is the utmost in empowerment!

For more on true Biblical womanhood, I recommend reading the series The Biblical Role of Women (link here) on the Grace in Torah blog.  Also, the Hebraic Roots Network has a series of videos on Women of Valor (link here).  

As those who set the tone for our homes, we have such an incredible opportunity to bring blessings to everyone around us!  How can we justify being manipulative, bitter and angry when this destroys the atmosphere of our home and horribly taints ourselves?  I encourage all women to take their responsibility as the home’s tone setter very seriously.  Let’s all make a conscious decision to make it a loving, welcoming, Adonai-honoring place where His character and truth is manifest!

Every wise woman builds up her home, but a foolish one tears it down with her own hands. ~~ Proverbs 14: 1