Love Your Neighbor Means Helping Others

Have you ever heard of Nicholas Winton?  What about the Kindertransport?  One man got involved when he didn’t have to and saved hundreds of lives in WWII.  See the link HERE for a video and blog post on this.

With our world spiraling out of control, or so it seems, what are each of us doing to help others?  Are we especially helping our faith family?  What can you do today that will assist your brother or sister in need?

Rabbi Warns American Jews

Can’t believe that I missed this news article from last week!  History buffs will remember past times when Jews were warned to leave particular countries.  Now at least one leader is telling them to leave America!  It’s very eye-opening to read what he says!  Click on the headline below to read it.

Article from Breaking Israel News


Apology to Israel

Have you heard of the RiverWinds?  They are a Native American Messianic couple who are musicians.  If you haven’t heard them speak or sing, I would encourage you to look them up.  They have a fascinating story to tell and are passionate about Messiah Yeshua!

Kehila News has an article about their recent tour to Israel.  They performed an original song in apology to Israel from the Christian church.  My favorite line in the song is (in speaking to Israel), “you can never be replaced”!  Amen!  Take a peek at the article.

Eretz Israel

Although the modern state of Israel isn’t a Torah-obedient entity, the land is still YHWH’s special land.  And, contrary to what most think and say (including this video) it belongs to all Yisrael, all 12 tribes, not just Judah (Jews).  But…putting those technicalities aside, we still celebrate this time with her for Elohim’s glory and with praise to Him.

Happy Anniversary, Israel!!

Torah Topples Hate

Have you seen the recent stories of Jewish persecution in the US?  Unfortunately it isn’t anything new.  Our Jewish brethren have been harassed and vilified worldwide for centuries.  But it seems (is it just me?) that the intensity and frequency in the “land of the free and home of the brave” is increasing.  Naturally, it caught my attention when one of the targeted communities was in Montana.

A word of caution…  Just because some of us (as members of the Messianic / Hebrew Roots community) aren’t technically “Jewish”, don’t think we will be exempt from the persecution.  We most certainly will not.

Pray for one another, our Jewish brethren, Israel, Jerusalem, and even the enemies who bring the persecution.  Things will get much worse before Yeshua returns.  Adonai’s word guarantees that.  But, regardless, we will stand firm in our faith and the certain hope of our great Deliverer!  We have a great gift…we know how the story ends!  At His designated time our Elohim will triumph over all His enemies, once and for all!  Hallelujah!

Arutz Sheva article from 01/10/2017
The Guardian (UK) article from 01/09/2017


Judaism Noticing Us

Those of us who are believers in Messiah Yeshua and also pursuers of Torah are being noticed by our Jewish brethren.  Some are even beginning to regard us as their lost brother Yosef (Joseph), or more generally, as part of the lost 10 Tribes.  While the article below from Breaking Israel News does not fully espouse that belief, it contemplates the undeniable and often puzzling phenomenon of non-Jews embracing Torah.

Breaking Israel News article 9/9/2016

Heartbreaking Eulogy

William Koenig at has a current news story about the victims of the kosher market terrorist attack in France.  They were all flown to Israel for burial and the excerpts from the eulogy are seriously heartbreaking.  I’ve copied and pasted below a part of it.  Please see Mr. Koenig’s website (and the links contained therein) for more information.

Israeli leaders in attendance including President Rivlin, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Opposition leader Isaac Herzog.

“This is not how we wanted you to arrive in the Land of Israel, this is not how we wanted to see you come home, to the State of Israel, and to Jerusalem, its capital. We wanted you alive, we wanted for you, life,” Rivlin said at the beginning of his heartbreaking eulogy.

He went on to talk about each of the four men in turn. “Phillipe, you wanted to shop for the Shabbat, and what is more Jewish than preparing, shopping on a Friday, for the holy Shabbat day?

“Francois-Michel, the apartment that you bought here in Israel, was ready for your arrival. You so wanted to make aliyah, to live here with us. But you will never now be able to affix a mezuzah upon the doorpost of your home in Israel … the war came to you, and the murderer’s hand destroyed everything.

“Yoav, you were here, just two weeks ago in Jerusalem, for the first time. You stood at the Western Wall, you were photographed wrapped in the national flag. Today, you are here for the second, and the final time. You return as a Jewish hero, as one with us.

“Yohan, you could have got away, escaped, you could have run – but you did not surrender. You fought with the murderer, to save the life a three-year-old boy. You succeeded in that, but paid with your life. Just 20 years old, and already a hero. A soldier for the Jewish nation.”

Prayer Amid Chaos

Chaos and devastation continue around the world with both natural disasters and man-made.  Let’s join together in prayer for wisdom, strength and perseverance to finish our race of faith.  It is a marathon not a sprint, and it lasts until our final breath.

With recent events, is it any wonder that Jews are fleeing France?  See opinion article here, and news article here.  They are fleeing other places as well, (see this story re: the Ukraine, and this one re: Britain as just a few examples) and this new exodus will continue.

Oh, Adonai, protect Your people both Jew and Gentile in this dangerous time!  Pour forth an extra measure of wisdom, strength, perseverance, comfort and peace.  To You be the glory regardless of our circumstances.

Grafted In

When YHWH addresses the “people of Israel” or the “children of Israel,” who is He talking to? Is that just for the Jews, natural born Jewish people who are physically descended from Abraham? Is it also for those who officially convert to Judaism? What about Gentile believers in the Messiah Yeshua? (By the way, our Messiah was, is, and always will be JEWISH.)

Did you know that in the exodus from Egypt, there were more than just natural born Jews who left?

A mixed crowd also went up with them… ~~ Exodus 12: 38  

While wandering in the wilderness, before entering the promised land, YHWH said that His instructions, commands, laws, decrees were for natural born Hebrews and also those who joined together with them.

“For this community there will be the same law for you as for the foreigner living with you; this is a permanent regulation through all your generations; the foreigner is to be treated the same way before Adonai as yourselves. The same Torah and standard of judgment will apply to both you and the foreigner living with you.” ~~ Numbers 15:15-16

To bring even more clarity, read how Paul addresses believers in Messiah Yeshua.

“Therefore, remember your former state; you Gentiles by birth – called the Uncircumcised by those who, merely because of an operation on their flesh, are called the Circumcised – at that time had no Messiah. You were estranged from the national life of Isra’el. You were foreigners to the covenants embodying God’s promise. You were in this world without hope and without God. But now, you who were once far off have been brought near through the shedding of the Messiah’s blood…. So then, you are no longer foreigners and strangers. On the contrary, you are fellow-citizens with God‘s people and members of God’s Family.”   ~~ Ephesians 2:11-13, 19

And, Romans 11: 16-24 tells of Gentiles being grafted into Israel. So, with the absolute truth of Scripture to lead us, we know that believers in Messiah, both Jew and Gentile, are the children and people of Israel. That brings the words of the Bible more to life for us, as we see them all pertaining directly to us. Praise Adonai for His amazing gift, grace and mercy!