Reason to Rejoice!

Have you ever seen a child that will not stop pouting or having a temper tantrum?  A parent can get so frustrated that they almost threaten them to change their attitude.  There’s good reason the Bible calls us “children” of the Most High.  It wasn’t just those who came out of Egypt that acted like spoiled brats!  We do it too.

At this season, our loving Abba commands (!) us to rejoice.  Let’s please Him!  Whatever is going on in the world at large and our corner of it, we can choose to change our attitudes and rejoice in Him!  We don’t need to focus on the world and its tyranny right now.  Let’s spend the next 8 days with our eyes firmly on the One Who matters most!  The Father and the Messiah He sent, are well worthy of our praise and our greatest reason to rejoice!

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God’s Voice in the Garden

A month ago, I mentioned in amazement how the last of our garden plants were continuing to produce.  Incredibly, we are still seeing that result – in the late days of November!

Anyone looking at the plants remaining in our garden today, would say resolutely that they are dead or almost dead.  Some are completely brown, some are mostly brown, and some are even withered, lying on their side on the ground.  It is not a pretty sight.  However, a closer look shows life.  Color can be seen within the brown stems and leaves.  Then when you lift the plant up, there’s more color!  Tomatoes and peppers where there shouldn’t be any!  Life – when all you see is death and near-death.

YHWH, the Creator and Sustainer of all things, speaks to us through these things.  He is faithful.  He knows everything that is going on.  He isn’t surprised by anything that is happening.  He brings forth life, and sustains life, in impossible situations, in chaotic circumstances, at His will.  Remember Ezekiel’s Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37).  Take heart faith family.  Even if this becomes the “dark winter” some anticipate, our Elohim is still in control.

From the beginning, He walked in the garden.  His voice was heard in the garden.  Even in a sin-wrecked, dark world, he is there.  Look under the dead plant.  He may have life waiting there to sustain you!

Keep Rejoicing!

Sukkot is my favorite feast of the year.  But this year, I truly don’t want it to end.  Oh, to extend it out for the rest of 2020!  The joyfulness, the festive food, the sukkah, the abundant reminders of His great provision and faithfulness…!

Although the feast will end, we can CHOOSE to keep rejoicing in our faithful Elohim!  The mind is such a power thing.  If we would only control it through the Spirit, daily, minute by minute.  Take each thought captive – remember?  We allow circumstances (and our flesh) to dictate our attitude, mood and actions (or inaction) much too often!!

As the Feast of Tabernacles begins to draw to a close, join me in a determination to make that mindset change, even in the midst of the utter twilight zone that is our current world.  Especially now!  Rejoice always!

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Rough Year?

How is your 2020 going so far?  It’s been tough for alot of folks.  Remember, He is there, whether we see/feel Him or not.  YHWH is always faithful – regardless of our circumstances – both in good times and in bad ones.  Let us be faithful to Him regardless of our circumstances as well!

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What is His Will?

We all get tangled up at times wondering what to do.  Decisions don’t always come easy.  This can especially be true as we grow older, experiencing (and getting burned by) more of the ups and downs of life.  Sometimes we can become paralyzed trying to choose, wondering if this is Adonai’s will.

One of our most favorite Bible teachers has a great quote on this:

Too often we modern Christians think that in order to know for certain what Yehoveh wants of us we need some kind of personal spiritual revelation about each of the countless circumstances we encounter in our lives (a thing often referred to in sermons as seeking God’s specific will). Scripture teaches us that almost everything regarding God’s will for us has already been established in the Word of God, and so it is there that we need to turn for most of our answers. But our hope is usually to find a good loop-hole to avoid what it is that we know we ought to do (or not do).

               ~~ Tom Bradford,

We were certainly taught this.  Were you?  But the thought that every circumstance we face is somehow unique and separate from the instructions our Elohim has already given just trips us up!  It’s not that complicated, really.  We make it so much more burdensome that it should be.  And, unfortunately, we tend to make it all about us, not Him.  We have so much freedom in YHWH!  Follow His instructions.  Lovingly obey them and seek Him above anything else.  Then…within those parameters, make your choices, embrace your personal preferences and enjoy the myriad of options He allows!  Praise Him!

Happiness is Not Joy

Happiness is caused by things that happen around me, and circumstances will mar it; but joy flows right on through trouble; joy flows on through the dark; joy flows in the night as well as in the day; joy flows all through persecution and opposition. 

~~ Dwight L. Moody (b: 1837-d: 1899), American evangelist

He’ll Never Change

We can’t change anyone except ourselves.  Period.

One of the most telling signs of a doomed relationship is when one person says the other person has “potential” and that “I’ll change him / her”.  If you even think those thoughts, bring that relationship to a screeching stop.  Immediately.  No one, but our Abba Father can change a person.  All we can do to improve our circumstances is to change ourselves:  our mindsets, thoughts, attitudes and actions.

May Adonai mercifully and graciously empower us to transform more into His image and away from the flesh and this corrupt world.

Do You Rule?

The daily routines and habits that Dear Hubby and I have had for many months now have gotten a much needed disruption.  During this same time we’ve been incredibly blessed with new deep understandings of so many Biblical truths.  But within the physical, material world where daily activities reside, we’ve been stuck in a rut.  So, with loving encouragement and motivation from Adonai and some unavoidable changes in the routine, we are pursuing healthier habits.  Hooray!

With this in mind, I heard a quote that had to be shared!  I don’t know the source, but whoever it was sure said a lot in these few words of advice…

Be sure to rule your habits.  Don’t let your habits rule you.

Biblically, this parallels the admonition to let the spirit (Ruach) rule over our flesh (Nefesh or soul).  Hope this resonates with you and brings blessing to your day!  Shalom!

Choosing Contentment

What an incredible blessing when we clearly see Adonai working change inside us!  These times are so incredible that we must hold tight to them and never forget the work He is doing, and has done, in us!  Of course we all have a litany of inner warts we would love Him to fix.  But we can’t get a “magic pill” from Him.  We must do some work on our own — taking every thought captive, filling our minds and hearts with His Word, etc.

Recently, our loving and gracious Abba Father has been dissolving a rock-hard inner fault in my life.  Praise to Him!  Discontent has been a life-long struggle for me.  In the fleshly sense, there’s blame that can be placed on the origin, but that isn’t helpful or productive.  I’ve been the one who embraced, fed, and nurtured this ravenous beast.  Now…finally (!!) after struggling with this horrible monster, that has not only terrorized me but everyone around me for so many years, I can see and feel the chains being broken!  By His power, I have CHOSEN contentment and He is pouring it forth within me!

Our Elohim is not pleased when we are complainers, always wanting something new or better or just different.  How can we sincerely yearn to please Him when our lives are characterized by this sin?!  Adonai is so loving, patient and forgiving!

Some issues we struggle with are things we know intellectually but don’t internalize and really understand deep inside.  Logically we all know that this life is a vapor, just a quick breath of time and isn’t worthy of our focus, worry or obsession.  But even with that head knowledge, our lives often demonstrate the opposite.  We still long for (and passionately pursue) things of this world, fleeting material possessions, experiences or emotions.  Consider a rope stretched from one end of the earth to the other, thousands of miles, circling the globe.  This would be an incredibly long rope, wouldn’t it?  Then visualize one inch of it painted red.  That inch represents our earthly life, whether we live 10 years or 100.  Compared to eternity, represented by the full length of the rope, what does that inch mean?  And, when you realize that we spend so much time and energy fretting about what goes on during that meager inch of time, it really seems ridiculous, doesn’t it?

That is why our focus should be on the Kingdom of God, not our puny circumstances.  How can we waste our short lives being discontented?  We should be joyously glorifying our Creator every moment.  Eternity will be here for each of us before we know it!  So, take it from a recovering “malcontent” — living in YHWH’s joy, peace and contentment is better than fame, riches, and limitless earthly possessions.  May His Name forever be praised!

One person dies in his full strength, completely at ease and content;  his pails are full of milk, and the marrow in his bones is moist.   Another dies with embittered heart, never having tasted happiness.  They lie down alike in the dust, and the worm covers them both. ~~ Job 21: 23-26

Not that I am saying this to call attention to any need of mine; since, as far as I am concerned, I have learned to be content regardless of circumstances. I know what it is to be in want, and I know what it is to have more than enough — in everything and in every way I have learned the secret of being full and being hungry, of having abundance and being in need.  I can do all things through him who gives me power. ~~ Philippians 4: 11-13

Now true religion does bring great riches, but only to those who are content with what they have. For we have brought nothing into the world; and we can take nothing out of it;  so if we have food and clothing, we will be satisfied with these.  ~~ 1 Timothy 6: 6-8       

Worst Day Ever?

Last year, a high school teacher instructed her class to write a poem describing the worst day ever.  One Jewish teen turned the assignment on its head with the creative work below.  See the full story at this link (click here).  Praise Elohim for this teen’s parents for providing a home environment where such thoughts would occur!

Worst Day Ever?
by Chanie Gorkin

Today was the absolute worst day ever
And don’t try to convince me that
There’s something good in every day
Because, when you take a closer look,
The world is a pretty evil place.
Even if
Some goodness does shine through once in a while
Satisfaction and happiness don’t last.
And it’s not true that
It’s all in the mind and heart
True happiness can be attained
Only if one’s surroundings are good
It’s not true that good exists
I’m sure that you can agree that
The reality
My attitude
It’s all beyond my control
And you’ll never in a million years hear me say
Today was a very good day

Now read it from bottom to top, the other way,
And see what I really feel about my day.